Get clarity for your current financial situation
Peter is 36, and has been working since he was 20.
Over the years, his income has been growing steadily, and he’s been able to save and invest in various assets - he has a couple of bank accounts in different currencies, a few real estates, and investments in shares and ETFs.
What he was lacking, however, was a clear overview of his net worth, so that he can manage his assets in a smart way.
With ViziWealth, he is able to organize everything he owns, and to visualize his current financial situation. He can keep this information up-to-date easily by reviewing it on a weekly or even monthly basis, and synchronizing automatically with his real bank accounts. Peter can also see a forecast projection into the future, so that he can take more informed decisions.

Plan for important future events
Lin likes to have a long-term plan. She has always been a very organized and disciplined person, and this helps her reach her goals in life.
She has started using ViziWealth for the clear overview of net worth that it provides, but quickly discovered that using goals she can achieve much more. She is still in the early stage of her career, but she dreams big.
Setting clear goals, and defining the small steps that she needs to take in order to achieve them, helps her stay focused, and grow both professionally and personally.

Secure your family wealth
Michael is an expat. He is married, and has two kids. Just like Peter, he has invested in different assets over time, and he keeps getting a part of his annual income from his employer as options.
In times of uncertainty, he wants to have a peace of mind, knowing that his partner is aware of all shared financial assets. Michale’s partner also has put some of her savings in investments, and she relies a lot on Michael’s advice to manage them.
So, both of them are using ViziWealth to share information about assets to each other. Michael also uses tasks to help his partner with investment activities.