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Bring order and predictability to your personal finance

ViziWealth: Empowering freelancers towards financial freedom.

Gain clarity, reduce uncertainty

Pave your way to financial freedom and peace of mind!

Financial unpredictability leads to stress and anxiety. Having a structured and predictable approach to personal finance provides a sense of security and peace of mind.

ViziWealth is the financial coach in your pocket that helps you manage your personal finance like a pro as well as achieve financial freedom. Here are some of the benefits that ViziWealth offers.

1. See where your money goes

Man thinking, wallet in a thought balloon hoping for financial freedom

Where do you spend?

Expense management is crucial when it comes to good personal finance management. Knowing where you spend means being able to analyze and take action to cut unnecessary expenditures and have more to invest in meaningful stuff. And this doesn't need to be a tedious task. With ViziWealth you can link your bank account to the app, as well as get a clear and concise overview of your expenditures, and correspondingly analyze and take action towards financial freedom.

Young woman and man saving coins in a jar trying to achieve financial freedom

Get yourself a safety cushion

As a freelancer, your income may vary over the year, causing you unnecessary stress and anxiety. To be prepared for periods of low income or unexpected expenses, you need to build a robust emergency fund. ViziWealth can help you plan and pile up your “safety cushion” for when things don’t go exactly as expected.

Man making financial plans towards financial freedom

Be proactive and plan!

When you work as a freelancer, you are your own employer, therefore you need to take care of your longer-term financial well-being. This includes being proactive in planning and saving for retirement, also buying a house, as well as funding kids’ education, for example. ViziWealth can support you in organizing your finances professionally, in order that you can leverage what you earn today to take care of your long-term life goals.

Man with money in a thought balloon and a piggy bank in front of him trying to get financial freedom

Dont think about money all the time!

Eventually, financial well-being is all about having a peace of mind and not thinking about money all the time. Your quality of life increases when you know you have it all planned, and you feel you have control over your financial situation. This is what ViziWealth is here to help you achieve – predictability and a peace of mind that you and your loved ones are financially secure.

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How do linked bank accounts work?

ViziWealth uses open banking to provide real-time connectivity to your bank account.

Man sitting next to a huge mobile phone checking bank accounts hoping to get financial freedom

Open Banking is a secure system that allows you to share your financial information with trusted third-party providers like ViziWealth. We’ve partnered with GoCardless, a renowned and licensed provider operating on an international scale, to deliver these open banking-based services. GoCardless is known for its reliability and adherence to stringent security standards, ensuring your data is always protected.

Personalized financial insights

By granting permission, you enable us to access your financial data via GoCardless, helping us offer personalized financial insights and services. You maintain complete control over this process, managing who has access to your information and for how long. This approach, combining the expertise of GoCardless with our services, offers a more integrated and efficient way to manage your finances, emphasizing both safety and convenience towards your financial freedom.

Safe and protected!

Your information is safe with ViziWealth. We take security and privacy very seriously.

We do not store credentials for your digital assets.

We do not ask for and store any credentials for accounts outside of ViziWealth. When you link your bank accounts, you provide your credentials to the bank directly, and they never go to ViziWealth, so there is no way they can leak.

We use a licensed provider for connection to real accounts.

Our partner GoCardless is a licensed AISP (Account Information Service Provider), and is renowned for its stringent adherence to GDPR compliance and holds the prestigious ISO 27001 certification, ensuring the utmost security and reliability for your financial data.

Any information that you enter is for your own use.

All data that you enter and store in ViziWealth is encrypted using best-practice encryption standards (256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard). Only an authorized user (you and the users you share with) can access the data using the application.

Man standing next to a giant mobile phone guarding and feeling safe for his financial freedom

The opportunity to get FREE 3-month trial ends this month!


Your FREE 3-month trial includes: